Maria Hera

Home is where my Art beats! Sat Nam, I'm Maria, a Kundalini Yoga addict and media artist located in Vienna, Austria. As a Teenager in the 90es I just loved reading fashion, teenage, lifestyle, travel and music magazines, everything that was cool and shiny, daydreaming about all the fun and pleasures the future might hold for me. Than I discovered Dada and Surrealist artists like Max Ernst or Kurt Schwitters and was instantly smashed by the worlds they created with scissors and glue. That was the beginning of a life long passion, a deep love affair, a genuine interest to discover everything about the possibilities, potential and depth of the collage technic. During the last 10+ years I'm now working with collage I developed a unique style of huge paper frescos I apply directly on the walls of the exhibition space, private homes or shops. The bigger, the better. Since several years I'm fascinated of the abstract forms, the leftovers from cutting out the images I needed for my collages. I started integrating them into my wall and paper works, opening the form and becoming more free style, researching the ornamental potential of the abstract forms, contrasting them with concrete images of the world around us. My themes evolve around topics of social or individual relationships, the physical and non physical nature of our world, consciousness, evolution as well as time and space. Since I always get a lot of positive feedback at exhibitions but in the same time not everybody is able to afford my original hand cut pieces for their homes I decided to share my art and my love with everyone in a more affordable and easy to access way. Hope you enjoy my shop and Wahe Guru!

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