
I've been illustrating and designing for as long as I can remember. My favorite time of the day, is when I can sit down with my sketchbook and begin to build out a new design. Just recently, I quit my full-time job to pursue my love of design full-time (wish me luck!).

I love creating, and in doing what I love, I want to also help others. That said, 5% of revenue from each piece purchased will go towards a charity, non-profit, or cause that I greatly respect and truly believe in. By you supporting me, we will both support others.

Currently, I will be donating to Campaign Zero.

Outside of finding time for creativity, I love anything to do with traveling and/or animals, catching up with my friends, and spending quality time with my husband.

I hope you enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy making them!

IG: instagram.com/kaystroz (@kaystroz) Email: kim [!at] kaystroz.com Website: www.kaystroz.com

Click here to Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kaystroz

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