Dreamflow Artworks

Instagram // @dreamflowartworks

French-Australian artist living in Sydney, I was born in France and grew up amongst the colorful vineyards of Burgundy. Insatiable traveler, I also lived in Spain for several years where I fell in love with the fascinating and sun-drenched land of Andalusia. My journey finally took me to Australia - beautiful land girt by sea - that I call home.

Travel, nature and adventure are my main sources of inspiration. My love for colors and vivid travel memories are captured in my artworks, my motivation being to foster imagination and wellbeing.​

My artworks are made using the acrylic pour technic, a flowing creative process based on motion and the combination of acrylic paints and pouring medium. This technic invites you to welcome the unexpected. You must go with the flow which reflects my philosophy of life. There are no predefined paths.​

During the making, each painting reveals itself and leads to imaginary journeys.

Life is a journey Dream ~ Explore ~ Be yourself Follow your flow

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