
"There is always something more..."

I was born in 77.

I’m from Malpartida de Plasencia, a village in the north of Extremadura (Spain) My first childhood memory is the front cover of Asterix and son. I’m a self-taught artist. Drawing has been a hobby of mine since I was 4 years old.

My professional career is linked to the audiovisual world. As postproducer. For the past twenty years I have been working in Advertising, documentary, TV, and, vaguely, in cinema. During this period, I almost did not draw anything, because lack of time and motivation.

Two years ago I started drawing again. At first, simply to find the satisfying sensations that this type of work gives me. Nowadays, I am trying project my hobby to a more professional level in terms of technique, discipline, and management.

I draw pictures similar to the ones you can see on this website. My purpose is to make an illustration book, which may take several years to become a reality. I have some other projects in mind that could combine my drawings with the talent of other artists.

Although in my drawings the main characters tend to be female figures, I’d like to think that they are emotional self portraits. When I start a new illustration, I try to make the first sketch in an automatic way. I try not to overthink. I try to move to the space of the sub and superconsciousness. I try to draw with only references from memories. I don’t pretend to describe, interpret, criticize, or change the world, but bring mine here.

My formal style is diverse, but there are great links of union in relation to the theme. Totemic animals, such as cats and birds. Natural elements that embrace you, such as branches, leaves and flowers. Wild landscapes, dilapidated urbanism, vernacular architecture. Religion, beliefs, paganism and free interpreted mythology. Threads and cables that tie, wound you, heal and release. Flesh and blood colours, colours of clouds and water…

My youthful influences were mostly from superhero comic books and french-belgian bande dessinée. Artists such as Bill Sienkiewicz, Mike Mignola, Barry Windsor Smith, Hermann, Uderzo, Giraud… In recent years many more have come, from different sources. Neanderthal art, Romanesque art, Michelangelo, TV series such as Northern Exposure or Carnivàle, Philip k Dick books, El niño gusano music, Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood, illustrators such as Laura Agustí, Julia Iredale, Alejandra Alarcón…

I draw almost exclusively with Tayasui Sketches. A fairly simple software that allows me to work using different techniques. It is very similar to drawing with a pencil and paper, brushes, or watercolours.

I usually draw at lunchtime, or late at night. Always supervised by my trusty assistant and desk organizer, Bob the cat. Basically, his work is solely to throw everything I have off the table and convince me to take a nap.

Actually I’m based in Aldea Moret, Cáceres.

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